Congratulations! If you are reading this blog you have made it through 2024 and come out the other side.
What is it they say about the three certainties in life? Death, taxes and life in the NHS never gets any quieter? We’re all no doubt gearing up for another busy winter, so any evidence or guidelines that...
Randeep is currently rolling around in agony on your examination couch. He has renal colic. You’ve already jabbed him with IM diclofenac and are wishing the practice still kept morphine. You’ve already...
Our patients are our best teachers. I remember one, let’s call him Mike, who first taught me the link between atrial fibrillation and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). He was a large guy, always smiley and...
Clara was 84yrs old and lived in the residential home that was within walking distance of the surgery. Most days there would be one or two visits in the home, that was largely filled with our patients....
Last year NICE released a draft of its update to its menopause guidelines and they were greeted with howls of despair from many of us who spend every day talking and consulting with women in primary care...