Over 20,000 Healthcare Professionals trained every year
The first ‘Hot Topics’ course was held in London in September 1998 and from those small beginnings has grown today’s business which provides CPD training for over 20,000 Primary Care healthcare professionals per year.
Our presenting team, led by Dr Simon Curtis in Oxford, are all NHS GPs and Nurses who are recognised nationally and internationally within their area of expertise and work tirelessly to maintain a position at the forefront of modern practice.
We continually redesign course content and ensure we align with the latest and most up to date policies, procedures and best practice.
What We Do
As the NHS has evolved NB's offering has also grown and in addition to our signature 'Hot Topics' GP Update course we now also offer live online course webinars in a broad range of specialist subjects, all targeted at the Primary Care workforce. We also provide CCGs, Urgent Care and private organisations with bespoke update courses for their workforce.
100,000 hours of training
Every year we deliver over 100,000 hours of online training to Primary Care professionals.
We have also recognised that work commitments do not always allow us the time out of practice to attend live courses.
Therefore, we continue to develop our online business and we now offer our courses on-demand too.
500,000+ website visits every year
The commercial, IT and administrative heart of the business is managed by Dr Philip Nichols in the North East of England and consists of a diverse team of dedicated, enthusiastic and experienced individuals who are committed to providing the best service possible for NB customers.
Dedicated Professionals
The team of presenters at NB Medical are all dedicated professionals who have worked or continue to work as a GP. They have a genuine passion and enthusiasm for General Practice which is reflected in the teaching style at our courses.