Blog - Cancer | NB Medical

Blog - Cancer


Facing the Future: discussing prognosis with patients at the end of life

Facing the Future: discussing prognosis with patients at the end of life  image
Dr Rachel Brettell
8th May 2024

We all have patients who stay with us long after they have passed away. Vera is one of those patients to me. She was an amazing, stoical woman who had stage 4 endometrial cancer when I took over as her...

Genetic testing and ovarian cancer- what do we need to know?

Genetic testing and ovarian cancer- what do we need to know? image
Dr Laura Darby
30th April 2024

Jonathon is a 40 yr old man newly registered at your surgery. He attends for review of his IBS and medication. As part of the consultation you enquire about family history of cancer. ‘Oh nothing relevant’,...

Behind the headlines - Anastrozole for breast cancer prevention

Behind the headlines - Anastrozole for breast cancer prevention image
Dr James Booth & Dr Simon Curtis
9th November 2023

As I drove into work on Tuesday, I heard the news that NHS England were announcing a new role for anastrozole in the prevention of breast cancer.   It took me by surprise and speaking to colleagues, I...

Doc, can I have an MRI to screen for prostate cancer?

Doc, can I have an MRI to screen for prostate cancer? image
Dr Laura Darby & Dr Simon Curtis
13th September 2023

James is a 69 year old man, fit and well with no symptoms. He comes to see you, worried. ‘I’d like a prostate check. I had one of those PSA tests last year, which did put my mind at rest at the time. But...

Too Much Pink Should Make Our Hearts Sink…

Too Much Pink Should Make Our Hearts Sink… image
Dr Philippa Davies
10th August 2023

Summer is finally here and as we’re strolling through the park listening to ‘Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen’ you realise not everyone has received this memo. ‘Lobster red’ appears to be the colour...

Doc, can I have the new DNA test to see if I have cancer?

Doc, can I have the new DNA test to see if I have cancer? image
Dr Simon Curtis
21st June 2023

Many of you will have had patients asking about this test as it was widely reported in the media BBC June 2023 following publication of the initial results of the NHS Symplify Trial last week. It all sounds...

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