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NB Medical Education is delighted to help you with your Level 3 Safeguarding training requirements. We have produced a series of pre-recorded webinars, to consolidate your learning, presented by our safeguarding lead Dr James Booth. James is the Named GP for Safeguarding Children at Mid-Essex CCG and has held that post for over ten years, which has brought extensive experience of training colleagues in practice in safeguarding matters. He’s also been the Safeguarding Lead for his CCG Board during this time. He is also a member of the Primary Care Safeguarding Forum.
The webinars can be done in your own time and will include core safeguarding topics such as the legal framework that we work under in safeguarding, with particular reference to The Children Act and Gillick competence/Fraser guidance. There is information and guidance around Looked After Children, information about social care enquiries under Sections 17 and 47 of The Children Act, a discussion of Early Support and intervention thresholds and an overview of a number of other topics. These are illustrated with case scenarios drawn from real-life examples that will put this information into practical context for primary care staff. In addition, these pre-recorded webinars will be supplemented with a series of live interactive webinars throughout the year which shall also be available on demand. These will include additional GP specific competencies, such as a 1-hour webinar on spotting fabricated illness in children first aired on April 5th 2022.
Recent tragic cases have highlighted again how vital safeguarding training is in primary care. GPs require 12 hours of training over each subsequent three-year period (16 if new in post or a safeguarding lead). In practice, half of this should be participatory, for example, face-to-face training sessions and case discussions. However, the other half can be self-directed, webinar-based and include the topics that will be delivered by our new safeguarding training programme. We would encourage all clinicians to be fully engaged with their local safeguarding teams and the training they offer, but we are pleased to offer this material as a useful base on which to build their core safeguarding training.
This webinar contains three parts and is available to view on-demand now. You can claim 3 CPD points for completing this webinar.
You will be emailed a direct link to view the webinar shortly after registration and you can also view it via the NB Dashboard.
- 1 Hot Topics Safeguarding & Child Protection - Part One
- 2 Hot Topics Safeguarding & Child Protection - Part Two
- 3 Hot Topics Safeguarding & Child Protection - Part Three
What's Included in our Webinar?
12 months access to the online course broken down into topics. Review and refresh all of the information you heard on the day
3 credits of CPD learning
The KISS from NB - new and updated KISS summaries (Keep it Simple Summaries) sent to you on a monthly basis
Automated upload of CPD from your CPD tracker into your Fourteen Fish or Clarity Appraisal Toolkit
Today was brilliant I couldn’t have asked for more appropriate /needed topics to be covered. Will recommend to webinar to other GP colleagues.
Dr Swords
GP Partner