Blog - Dermatology | NB Medical

Blog - Dermatology


Itchy patient? Think scabies

Itchy patient? Think scabies image
Dr Nick Jones
31st January 2024

After Rob’s blog about the rise of measles last week, this week we turn our attention to an outbreak of another age-old disease! Hands up if you’ve seen a patient with scabies recently? I can think of...

When In Doubt, Get the Dermatoscope Out!

When In Doubt, Get the Dermatoscope Out! image
Dr Philippa Davies
27th September 2023

John is one of your regular patients, a 64-year-old stoical tree surgeon, who presents with a new pigmented papule on his torso. For someone normally unphased by challenging work environments, this has...

Too Much Pink Should Make Our Hearts Sink…

Too Much Pink Should Make Our Hearts Sink… image
Dr Philippa Davies
10th August 2023

Summer is finally here and as we’re strolling through the park listening to ‘Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen’ you realise not everyone has received this memo. ‘Lobster red’ appears to be the colour...

The Buzz Around Eczema

The Buzz Around Eczema image
Dr Neal Tucker
28th July 2022

“Doctor, I’ve tried everything for my child’s eczema. Aveeno, E45, Nivea… None of it works. What can I do?”

Relish the Loss of That Blemish!

Relish the Loss of That Blemish!  image
Dr Philippa Davies
27th January 2022

It is Thursday morning, you have had your morning quota of coffee, you are logged on and ready to see what the day has in store for you. You have a quick scan through your list, seeing many friendly familiar...