Blog - Cardiology and ECG | NB Medical

Blog - Cardiology and ECG


Beta Blockers – Should They Still Be a Routine Part of Secondary Prevention?

Beta Blockers – Should They Still Be a Routine Part of Secondary Prevention? image
Dr Simon Curtis
29th May 2024

One of the many exciting things about being in medicine for a long time is seeing how things change. It’s one of the things I love about science the most – the way knowledge builds incrementally, like...

Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis after dental procedures: is the guidance toothless?

Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis after dental procedures: is the guidance toothless? image
Dr James Booth
3rd April 2024

Most of the changing, evidence-based guidance we talk about at NB Medical is iterative; it builds on what comes before, practice is altered, modified, but seldom completely reversed.  When that happens,...