It can sometimes feel that working in general practice is a job of two halves. The first, is the clinical side. This is what we train for, pass our exams in and what we expected when we took our jobs....
It’s one of those days when everything seems hard. Take Shuman – 55 years old, he came in with a sore foot but at the end of the consultation asked if you could quickly check his blood pressure. It hasn’t...
No, I’m not talking about jacking in the day job! The focus of this week’s blog is smoking cessation, with a new update to the NICE guideline NG209 just released. The health benefits of stopping smoking...
‘Do you gamble?’ This is not a question that has been a routine part of my mental health consultations. Until recently, the sheer size and impact of problem gambling had completely gone under my radar....
It can’t only be me who remembers that cringey moment when, during an exam OSCE station, or a viva, you’d confidently reel off a management plan and the investigations you’d do.
The Hot Topics GP Update course is a fun and enjoyable way to stay up to date with the latest evidence and guidelines for professionals working in front-line General Practice. If you’re in a patient-facing...