It’s almost 10 years since the SPRINT trial changed the landscape of hypertension treatment, by showing that intensive antihypertensive treatment to a systolic target of 120 mm/Hg, compared to standard...
Janette, aged 46, attends for a medication review. Her records show a diagnosis of chronic low back pain and mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. She’s been taking analgesics and sertraline for over...
My welcoming smile faltered as Alison sat down and opened her appointment with “I’ve come in because, well, I’m just shattered ALL the time”. If there was ever a presenting complaint that sums up the complexity...
Congratulations! If you are reading this blog you have made it through 2024 and come out the other side.
What is it they say about the three certainties in life? Death, taxes and life in the NHS never gets any quieter? We’re all no doubt gearing up for another busy winter, so any evidence or guidelines that...
Randeep is currently rolling around in agony on your examination couch. He has renal colic. You’ve already jabbed him with IM diclofenac and are wishing the practice still kept morphine. You’ve already...