Blog - 2024 - Page 4 | NB Medical

Blog - 2024 - Page 4


Facing the Future: discussing prognosis with patients at the end of life

Facing the Future: discussing prognosis with patients at the end of life  image
Dr Rachel Brettell
8th May 2024

We all have patients who stay with us long after they have passed away. Vera is one of those patients to me. She was an amazing, stoical woman who had stage 4 endometrial cancer when I took over as her...

Genetic testing and ovarian cancer- what do we need to know?

Genetic testing and ovarian cancer- what do we need to know? image
Dr Laura Darby
30th April 2024

Jonathon is a 40 yr old man newly registered at your surgery. He attends for review of his IBS and medication. As part of the consultation you enquire about family history of cancer. ‘Oh nothing relevant’,...

Does more options for migraine treatment mean more options for general practice, or just another headache?

Does more options for migraine treatment mean more options for general practice, or just another headache? image
Dr Zoe Norris
24th April 2024

Another headline just last week put migraines back into the news again, when NICE’s draft guidance on Atogepant was published. Treatment of migraine is one of the areas that has evolved the most in recent...

It’s that time of the year again...QoF 2024/25

It’s that time of the year again...QoF 2024/25 image
Dr Rob Walker
10th April 2024

I've always found the first week in April a mixed blessing… promises of longer days, more sunshine (possibly!) and maybe some cricket, but this is always tempered with the dreaded ‘box of doom’ (aka the...

Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis after dental procedures: is the guidance toothless?

Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis after dental procedures: is the guidance toothless? image
Dr James Booth
3rd April 2024

Most of the changing, evidence-based guidance we talk about at NB Medical is iterative; it builds on what comes before, practice is altered, modified, but seldom completely reversed.  When that happens,...

Severe mental illness– time to see red (and act on it.)

Severe mental illness– time to see red (and act on it.) image
Dr Rachel Brettell
26th March 2024

After a long day in General Practice, it sometimes feels like I’ve spent the whole day putting out fires. But as we manage the constant barrage of urgent queries and same day appointment requests, the...

Showing 19 - 24 of 35