Blog - 2024 - Page 3 | NB Medical

Blog - 2024 - Page 3


Responding with compassion - A GP’s Guide to Assisted Dying Requests

Responding with compassion - A GP’s Guide to Assisted Dying Requests image
Dr Rachel Brettell
19th June 2024

There are numerous strongly held positions on physician- assisted dying. Many feel passionately on one side or other of the debate, with compelling and often highly personal reasons to support their views....

Private prescribing for obesity drugs are on the rise - What do we need to be aware of?

Private prescribing for obesity drugs are on the rise - What do we need to be aware of? image
Dr Stephanie De Giorgio
12th June 2024

We have entered a new era of effective medical management of obesity. The press and medical literature are full of stories about the current medications that are available. Semaglutide, which is available...

Trigger warning – Patterns before Suicide

Trigger warning – Patterns before Suicide image
Dr Zoe Norris
5th June 2024

I have only cared for one patient in my career so far who died by suicide. We had an excellent relationship, with regular consultations and an honest rapport. Their family often attended too, and we were...

Beta Blockers – Should They Still Be a Routine Part of Secondary Prevention?

Beta Blockers – Should They Still Be a Routine Part of Secondary Prevention? image
Dr Simon Curtis
29th May 2024

One of the many exciting things about being in medicine for a long time is seeing how things change. It’s one of the things I love about science the most – the way knowledge builds incrementally, like...

NB Blog - Unscheduled bleeding on HRT

NB Blog - Unscheduled bleeding on HRT image
Dr Rob Walker
22nd May 2024

Sometimes in General Practice you’ve got to get out of your comfort zone and dive head long into an area with which you are both uncomfortable and unfamiliar. It’s the nature of being an expert generalist...

Statins and Diabetes: Should we be more concerned?

Statins and Diabetes: Should we be more concerned? image
Dr Neal Tucker
15th May 2024

It’s time for a statin battle again. Steve has his annual review and the computer pop ups are telling us to consider a statin due to his high CVD risk. He doesn’t mind a blood pressure pill but statins?...

Showing 13 - 18 of 35