Blog - Hot Topics GP Update - Page 6 | NB Medical

Blog - Hot Topics GP Update - Page 6


Menopause management – it doesn’t have to be this complicated

Menopause management – it doesn’t have to be this complicated image
Dr Siobhan Becker
29th November 2023

When NICE released its 2015 Menopause guidelines1, the direction of travel seemed pretty clear – a generation of women had missed out on HRT, largely as a result of the WHI trial2, and it was setting out...

Should my baby have the new chicken pox vaccine?

Should my baby have the new chicken pox vaccine? image
Dr Laura Darby & Dr Simon Curtis
23rd November 2023

It’s Thursday morning and you’re just finishing a baby check for Anna, a healthy 8 week old. Her mother Kate asks ‘Just before I go and see the nurse, what do you think about the new vaccine? Is it a good...

Behind the headlines - Anastrozole for breast cancer prevention

Behind the headlines - Anastrozole for breast cancer prevention image
Dr James Booth & Dr Simon Curtis
9th November 2023

As I drove into work on Tuesday, I heard the news that NHS England were announcing a new role for anastrozole in the prevention of breast cancer.   It took me by surprise and speaking to colleagues, I...

Anticholinergics – are they worth the risk in older people?

Anticholinergics – are they worth the risk in older people? image
Dr Simon Curtis
12th October 2023

Ken is 82 and has some post-herpetic neuralgia and difficulty sleeping. Some low dose amitriptyline could really help.  Next up is a 75-year-old woman with an overactive bladder and urinary incontinence....

Migraine treatment - Is it time for a new pair of (GE)PANTS?

Migraine treatment - Is it time for a new pair of (GE)PANTS? image
Dr Rob Walker
4th October 2023

Migraine is a miserable and debilitating condition and we’re all aware of the impact it has on our patients, friends, family and work colleagues. The latest 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study found that...

Doc, can I have an MRI to screen for prostate cancer?

Doc, can I have an MRI to screen for prostate cancer? image
Dr Laura Darby & Dr Simon Curtis
13th September 2023

James is a 69 year old man, fit and well with no symptoms. He comes to see you, worried. ‘I’d like a prostate check. I had one of those PSA tests last year, which did put my mind at rest at the time. But...