Blog - 2023 - Page 6 | NB Medical

Blog - 2023 - Page 6


Tick borne encephalitis

Tick borne encephalitis image
Dr Laura Darby
18th May 2023

It’s a busy duty list and you have a call with a concerned parent. Anna has just returned from a seaside holiday in Dorset. Her 5 yr old son Alex has a low grade fever of 38C, and is a bit off colour....

We need to talk about periods

We need to talk about periods image
Dr Rob Walker
11th May 2023

I’m sure most of us find it extraordinary that in 2023 periods and their impact can still be regarded as a taboo subject by many. However, there have been positive steps to help redress this in the last...

How can we improve care for autistic people?

How can we improve care for autistic people? image
Dr Laura Darby
3rd May 2023

The QCQ have recently published a report entitled ‘How you see me matters: perspectives of autistic people using primary care services'. The purpose of the report was to shine a light on the specific challenges...

Vivid, violent dreams and REM sleep behaviour disorder

Vivid, violent dreams and REM sleep behaviour disorder image
Dr Simon Curtis
27th April 2023

I remember well a patient in his late 70s, let’s call him Bill, who came to see me a few years ago reporting increasingly vivid dreams. This had come on over the previous few months. His wife said he had...

PFS: What is it and what do we need to do about it?

PFS: What is it and what do we need to do about it? image
Dr Rob Walker
20th April 2023

Gemma is 28 and is worried her allergies are worsening. Her spring time hay fever is worsening and she was eating some kiwifruit the other day (one of her favourite fruits) and she started developing itching...

Back to the nineties? Hormonal contraception and breast cancer

Back to the nineties? Hormonal contraception and breast cancer image
Dr Simon Curtis
30th March 2023

GPs of a ‘certain age’ remember well the panic after the Lancet paper in 1996 that showed a link between the combined pill and breast cancer. In combination with a health alert the year before linking...

Showing 31 - 36 of 48