Blog - 2023 - Page 4 | NB Medical

Blog - 2023 - Page 4


Too Much Pink Should Make Our Hearts Sink…

Too Much Pink Should Make Our Hearts Sink… image
Dr Philippa Davies
10th August 2023

Summer is finally here and as we’re strolling through the park listening to ‘Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen’ you realise not everyone has received this memo. ‘Lobster red’ appears to be the colour...

Paediatric Mental Health

Paediatric Mental Health image
Dr James Booth
3rd August 2023

I first met Will as a very new GP partner.  He came in accompanied by both parents, one duty afternoon.  His mother was in tears, his father grim-faced; Will’s face was hidden behind a long, unwashed fringe...

Muscle aches and statin intolerance – when is a raised CK actually OK?

Muscle aches and statin intolerance – when is a raised CK actually OK?  image
Dr Rachel Brettell
26th July 2023

A few weekends ago, my kids dragged me to a high ropes course and of course, laughed hysterically at my squeals, trembling legs and acute onset acrophobia. The next morning, let's just say I knew a thing...

Inclisiran: A New Hope, or Too Much Hype?

Inclisiran: A New Hope, or Too Much Hype? image
Dr Rob Walker
19th July 2023

Back in October 2021 NICE took everyone by surprise when they recommended a novel lipid lowering drug inclisiran for use in primary care NICE TA733 Oct 2021. The response to this from primary care was,...

NB Blog - NSAIDS and anticoagulants - What are the risks?

NB Blog - NSAIDS and anticoagulants - What are the risks? image
Dr Rob Walker
5th July 2023

I think it’s fair to say none of us would think prescribing oral NSAIDS with an oral anticoagulant (OAC) is a particularly good idea. Inherently we suspect this combination of drugs will increase bleeding...

Showing 19 - 24 of 48