Blog - 2021 - Page 5 | NB Medical

Blog - 2021 - Page 5


Remote consulting - time to reassess and evolve the model

Remote consulting - time to reassess and evolve the model image
Dr Rob Walker
29th April 2021

Hands up who is finding life tough in General Practice at the moment? Certainly me for one, and if our straw poll from the Hot Topics webinar last Saturday is anything to go by, I am not alone (thank you...

Inhaled Corticosteroid for COVID: A New Hope?

Inhaled Corticosteroid for COVID: A New Hope? image
Dr Rob Walker
21st April 2021

Hands up who is feeling a bit bruised after the last few weeks of General Practice? It suddenly felt like the flood gates opened further and the demand surged, and I suspect many of us are feeling a bit...

Lung Cancer Diagnosis in 2021

Lung Cancer Diagnosis in 2021 image
Dr Kate Digby
15th April 2021

The days are getting longer and there is a sense of optimism in the air along with quote D:Ream (1993), 'Things can only get better' (apologies if that has planted an ear worm that you won't...

Headache post AZ vaccine. How do we spot cerebral venous thrombosis?

Headache post AZ vaccine. How do we spot cerebral venous thrombosis? image
Dr Simon Curtis
8th April 2021

Whilst debate continues to revolve around the association between the Covid-19 AZ vaccine and rare but serious thromboembolic events including cerebral venous thrombosis, patients have been advised by...

Getting STOIC on COVID

Getting STOIC on COVID image
Dr Neal Tucker
1st April 2021

What if there was a miracle treatment for early COVID? It reduces your risk of hospitalization by 90% and helps prevent long covid. What if we in general practice could readily prescribe this treatment...

Piano lessons, and 5 ways to Wellbeing with Hot Topics delegates

Piano lessons, and 5 ways to Wellbeing with Hot Topics delegates image
Dr Simon Curtis
24th March 2021

One of the highlights of my week is my piano lesson, now by zoom of course, with my teacher John. I took up piano at the age of 55, never having had a music lesson in my life. Despite being what I am sure...

Showing 25 - 30 of 38