Blog - Hot Topics GP Update - Page 15 | NB Medical

Blog - Hot Topics GP Update - Page 15


Home BP monitors - reassuringly cheap and accurate

Home BP monitors - reassuringly cheap and accurate image
Dr Rob Walker
20th January 2022

Which blood pressure monitor should I buy doc? I hope it won’t cost too much…I’m sure all of us will have had this, or a variation of this question from patients over the past few years. There had been...

ME/CFS – Top 5 learning points from the new NICE guideline

ME/CFS – Top 5 learning points from the new NICE guideline image
Dr Simon Curtis
13th January 2022

In late October 2021, NICE published their new guideline on myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) NICE NG206 2021.  As could have been predicted, the guideline...