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S5 E12: Does less GPs matter? PCNs & continuity; best drug in T2DM after metformin

17th May 2024

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Welcome to the Hot Topics podcast from NB Medical with Dr Neal Tucker. In this episode we think about the GP workforce courtesy of four papers in this month's BJGP - does more GPs boost life expectancy (of the patients...)? do PCNs help health inequalities? is practice-based continuity as good as individual continuity?

For a more directly clinical update, we look at new research in the BMJ on which is the best oral option in T2DM after metformin. Can the SGLT2 inhibitors prove their worth?


BJGP Does the shortage of GPs matter?

BJGP PCNs, deprivation and funding

BJGP Continuity in GP

BJGP Continuity in Norwegian GP

BMJ Best drug after metformin in T2DM

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