Muscle anatomy

1 Day


30 conditions covered


About this course

Musculoskeletal conditions are increasingly common in General Practice, and now make up a 1/3 of all patient attendances. The ageing population, the more informed public and the growing strains on people's musculoskeletal system make this a very HOT topic for most practitioners.

During a typical GPs (or NPs) training, speciality based MSK is rare, and most of us have little ongoing support and education for dealing with even most of the common complaints. The evidence changes quickly and the thresholds to refer vary.

Lots of patients are labelled with sprains and OA and given a range of painkillers and physiotherapy. A lot of patients with chronic pain remain unidentified.

Could we do it better?

We want to help improve your approach to these patients, therefore we encourage you to attend the New Musculoskeletal Course by our partners 'Medical Skills Courses' and their very talented faculty of tutors

They won't give you 1000 PowerPoint slides and 50 eponymous tests for the shoulder.

They won't confuse you with rare and wonderful MSK pathology.

What's included?

In a tried and tested format of short snappy vignettes, case studies and live demonstrations, they will cover, literally from head to toe, all of the MSK complaints you are likely to encounter, including:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Specific Joint Pain (e.g. Shoulder, Hip, etc.)
  • Children
  • Arthritis
  • Red flags
  • Back pain
  • Inflammatory Conditions
  • Tricky Cases

With all courses you will receive a fully referenced handbook with diagrams, photographs and assessment techniques, that you can re-download with each update.

You will have access to a range of high quality videos, consent forms and any other relevant national guidelines via a web link.

Course Benefits

Primary Care Focused

Focusing on tips, 'hacks' and quick MSK examinations within a Primary Care Setting

Online Resources

Receive permanent access to a comprehensive Course Handbook & MSK Resource Area

Training Videos

Access to an online suite of examination and exercise videos


This MSK Course is CPD accredited. Completion of this course will gain you 6 CPD points

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With over a decade of educational experience, and thousands of happy healthcare professionals trained, Medical Skills Courses are one of the UKs most acclaimed providers of hands on healthcare courses.

Content is continuously updated by a diverse team of subject matter experts and teaching is delivered with the latest evidence, guidance and best-practices.

Visit Medical Skills Course for more information