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S5 E5: Interview with Prof Hazel Everitt - amitriptyline for IBS; methotrexate for hand OA; leaflets for LUTs

1st December 2023

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Welcome to the Hot Topics podcast from NB Medical with Dr Neal Tucker. In this episode, we talk to Prof Hazel Everitt, a GP and lead author of a recent Lancet paper exploring whether amitriptyline is effective for IBS, and where it might fit in to general practice management.

We also look at research in the Lancet on treating hand osteoarthritis with methotrexate - what's the rationale and does it work? - plus a BMJ paper on using a patient information leaflet to improve lower urinary tract symptoms in men. Are PILS better than pills?


Lancet ATLANTIS paper on IBS & amitriptyline

ATLANTIS trial website with patient information

Gut journal CBT for IBS

National Institute for Health and Care Research - how to get involved

NIHR Local research groups - how to get involved

Lancet Methotrexate for hand OA with synovitis

BMJ Leaflets for LUTS

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