Saturday 21st June 2025
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Live Webinar


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Start a group booking form to purchase multiple places on this webinar

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The Abnormal Bloods course has been rewritten and updated for 2025.  The new course covers the full blood count and what to do with white cell and platelet abnormalities, as well as all things biochemistry! We’ll be looking at sodium and potassium abnormalities – and where magnesium fits in! We’ll round off with thyroid function tests, and what to do with abnormal LFTs.

For each of these areas, we’ll look at understanding exactly what the test is and what it can tell us, then focus on the most common abnormalities you’re likely to see in general practice. Our traffic light system will help you manage results and know when not to panic – or when you should! 

The webinar will be carried out as a morning session on Saturday 21st June 2025 starting at 9:30 am and finishing at 1 pm.  Don’t worry if you miss something, all of the content will be available on-demand.

You will be able to claim 3 hours of CPD credits for attending this online webinar.

You will be emailed a direct link to view the webinar shortly after registration as well as a reminder the day before the session and you can also view it via the NB Dashboard.

What's Included in our Webinar?

12 months access to the online course broken down into topics. Review and refresh all the presentations and information you heard on the day

3 credits of CPD learning

A hard copy course reference book posted to the address of your choice

The KISS from NB - new and updated KISS summaries (Keep it Simple Summaries) sent to you on a monthly basis

12 months online access to the course reference book via the NB Dashboard

Automated upload of CPD from your CPD tracker into your Fourteen Fish or Clarity Appraisal Toolkit

Today was brilliant I couldn’t have asked for more appropriate /needed topics to be covered. Will recommend to webinar to other GP colleagues.

Dr Swords
GP Partner